AJ's Blog

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Ice skating (dont laugh)

This was my first iceskating expeariance and it may be funny but dont laugh!!! (but you can be nourty and do a coment saying: HA HA HA) At first it was like walking on ice in oiled shoes (very slippery) and in the whole time I fell over about 10-20 times and the next morning was quite sore. But still dont laugh becoase towards the end I was getin the hang of it! The lower pic is of a friend of our family and as ice stating lesons and is an expert(unlike me as you can see by th pics) and can jump and twerl and skate backwards. That concludes my thourts on this incerdent. (bow)((words of thanks))(((click righting to see the friend bigger)))

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Time for another story

Josh's Story continued.
Now 8 years later he was 20 now he was in the army.
it was the 3rd world war.there were lightsabers lazer guns and super stardestroyers and alians were against the earth wich for once had given up quarling and allied for once to fight the alians. Josh was an admaral for he had worked on a flag ship for the british spase fleet and he had oparated the gun wich had blown up the gun wich had blown up the dbrige of the flagship hye worked on. So now he was in comand of the ship and had won evry battel he had been in. But now the alians had discoved from there old books that they now new how to buld a Death star!! Wich had the power in oneblast to destroy a planet!!!!!! and it was heading towards earth!

It would be at earh in 2 months (months in 2100 were 6 2007 months so in our months 1 year)
the earth was in panik there were people being paked into all the escape pods and ships and evryone able was in the navy or army or bording fleets. 1 month later for them and 6 for us th fleet found out that the beam powerful enough to destroy a planet was acurat enough to hit a starship and blow it to smithareans!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! one of the months later it arived!!!!!!!!
There was pandimoleam there was panik and there was people comiting suiside!!
but then the earths fleet attaked. in the battle 25 flagships and 5000 persanle fighters 2000 stardestroyers and 4000 fighter repelers were destroyed in all 150,0oo,o00 people were killed!!!!

This is what happned, first of all the stardestroyers sent their 8000 fighters in to destroy the enamy fighters but the enamy had 8500 fighters already prepeard and upgraded and fighting for there as iff their lives dependid on it. Next the stardestroyers got in to the range of the death star and the death star got i range of them there was caios, in this caios the alians (wich were only called alians be couse they were as ruthles and alians) ((they were the indus civerlisashion)) ((( wich had turened out to be trators))) thrashed the earthlings but then josh got into his faithful G 92 wing fighter and set off calling for all fighters to folo him to the death stars main reactor wich if blown up with cocushon misiles would destroy the death star. when they were all in the shute and were on their way down the commander fired the main gun down the shute and 2500 fighters were distroyed in one moment!!! that made the fighters that were left even more determind to destroy the death star and were for avenge there worvey freinds!!

What happend next was quet amazing because the main body of fighters for the indus team was destred by a single blast because the death star had not known that their fighters were in the tube that the super laser went thrue so when fired it killed all the indus fighters and no earth ones because the earth fighters had seen the laser befor the indus guyes and had moved to the sides of the tube were it didnt hit them, but it hit the indus fighters. Then it was just fujn for the earth guy in the death star and out (fun mixed with a bit of danger) cos when the death star blew up the sudden explotion set a massive wave wich was werse then the super laser becouse it was like a wave which would destroy anything in its path. so when it was about to blow (the enamy star destroyers did not know it was goin to blow ) went dead close to it and
were destroyed when it blew. But I hear you ask how was the death star destroyed? well a simple distrbution of concution missiles to the main genarater from every fighter.

(This time there wont be another one about Josh)

Friday, January 12, 2007

A story of adventure

Once upon a time there was a boy.
His name was Josh, he had a dog its name was George.
One day he was walking his dog and as he walked he thought he was being followed but when he looked behind himself there was no one there.(In Josh's mind)((I bet there is someone behind me)) (((There was))) ((((But he didn't know this)))) (((((Yet))))). Around half a hour later he turned back and after he had been going for 10 minutes he was ambushed and captured. After he was tied gaged and blind foldid and was taken somewre but before he and his kidnappers went they spun him round and round so he had no sence of dirextion, but there was a wind it was all ways a south west wind.

So when he was taken to the kidnappers camp he had a idier for the way home if he ever had a chance. When he was inside the kidnappers camp and in the caves(the kidnappers camp was in a searies of caves) he was taken to what he thought was there cheif and he was. He was told that he was going to be sold as a slave in Alxexandrea!!!!!!

That night Josh was wide awake and his gard was not later the other kidnappers were to be puzzeld over how he got him to sleep(the gard) but you will not have to because im going to tell you,Josh had with him a seeping drug cartrige because he had been given a gun for geting his own tea of wild boar, So he had got the cartrige and in it was a sleeping drug and there was enough of it to put to sleep a wild elephant so it whould easly put to sleep a 30'od year old human beaing. the gard had a pot of stron mint tea but when he was not looking josh emtied the cartrige into the pot of tea in ten minetes the gard was asleep.

The problem with geting out of the kidnappers camp was there were gards evry were sleeping he could go along the passage of the cave and be court but the gard would be asleep for 4 hours so Josh took the gards garments (all the kidnappers men were in white cloaks) and put them on. Then he went to the cage in the sell next to his(having taken is gards keys) and unlocked georges cage and said "good boy" and pattid him and then said "quiet boy quiet" and patted hom once more then they set off to the ploice station were he told his tale and went with the ploice and they took the kidnappers to jail. Later he went home to find his hole family waiting for hom(the ploice had been phoneing them till they woke up),
then he was given some hot chocklet and then he went to bed.

(For now)

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

The Wigan Pier Experience

First I will tell you about the muse...
There was a plase were it told you about the life in wigan for men
women and children. and there was a plase nere there were there was a modle marketplase.
and there was a school room were they did a victorian school for everyone.
and then after the muse...... you went on a canal boat and then on the other side there was an enegeine house were the steam enegeine wich used to power all the cotten machiens if the steam enegeine wasnt weking that day then you whould be aloud to see it up close if it was running then you stayed behind some glass and the enegeiner went in and told you about the enegine.
then you went back and you went home.

Monday, January 08, 2007

DISASTER!!!!!!!!!!!, Happy Days, nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnooooooooooooooo

Abi took my saterday sweets huh!!
I think a new Title is needed : Happy days!!
The past week we had lots of fun.
On monday i played computer games like Age of Empiers III exc exc.
On Tuesday i played board games such as Set and other comon games.
Tuesday (continued) I like playing K'NEX and lego
So i did that and played with my frends for the rest of the week.
New Title: nnnnnnnnnnnooooooooooooooooo
Its the end of the hols its disarster!!(see first title)
Are well and with that i will conclude my sumery thank you for listning.