AJ's Blog

Friday, March 16, 2007

Another Story on the way

This story is another at sea enjoy!
This time the setting is at a port in India were a ship is sailing to Denmark with much cargo such as Silk, Jewellery, Spices and ivory.
But there is a problem with so much cargo they don’t have much room for supplies like food and water so they only have enough room for 20 days supplies. That is so not enough for a journey from India to Denmark so they would have to stop for supplies every now and then along the journey. Then there was the problem of going there and somehow standing through the storms they might encounter. Meanwhile the ship has set sail and is heading to Denmark, onboard all is going well and the sails are full and the ‘Sea Lion’ seemed to be gliding on the waves.

Then after 3 hours sailing they saw on the horizon instead of blue sky and white fluffy clouds they saw black and grey clouds, which were advancing as if the ‘Sea Lion’ was a fly they wanted to swat! The men onboard started to get to work doing things like getting the sails in and jobs like that, and then in 20 minutes the storm was upon them. There was chaos the masts creaked and groaned so much the crew thought that the ship would be sunk for sure, but as usual in most storys it didn’t.

Only kidding it sunk and they were left stranded in the middle of the sea with no islands for miles around (to tell the truth the were not very far away from an uncharted island but I cant tell you about that now because it will come into the story later)
all they had to suvive was 1 small barrel of water and another on salt pork these barrels were around the sise of a large book or coat sise XXL folded in to a barrel sise. And to float on all they had (crew of 30) was a raft made for the perpose wich it was now serving but the problem was the raft was made for 30 men with no room for passengers, it so happend that they were taking a few passengers to the same place were they were bound so the raft was carring 35 people in stead of 30 this is a problem in sailing ways because there wasn't enough room for them all so 5 people were alvays swiming along sid or pushing the raf† in any direction were they hoped that they would find an island (it so happend that they found the island i told you about a few lines back.

That night when they were all asleep but the mate who was on lookout duty, then all of a sudden there was a cry from the mate "WAKE UP EVERYONE, LAND IN SIGHT THERE ON THE STARBORD BOW, INHABITANTS HEADING TOWARDS US AT TREMENDUS SPEED!" Then it was all arms and legs for a moment with everyone trying to get up first to see the ship comming towards them, 30 seconds later the ship arrived with 10 people who reached out their hands to get thew ships crew of the raft and into the boat and back to the mainland were they were treated like kings and were feasted to the best meal they had ever had! Then the cheaf of the island came over to the captain and said "Well I hope that meal was to your satisfation!" then the captain said the the cheaf "It was the best meal I have ever had!!!!" "Good" said the cheaf. Now I will leave you to what evewr you are doing! See ya bye.

Thursday, March 15, 2007


Do you like playing with lego?
Lately my brother, sister and I have all been making a lego replica of our house!
We made the first 5 or 6 layers out of yellow and for the stairs and some other bits we used blue.
The next layer we made detachable and the first layer for 5-6 layers we plan to make red. If we run out of red then we will use white. I'll tell you more tomorrow. SEE YA

Thursday, March 08, 2007

Story Time (evan though I've done around oh I duno 3 or 4 already)

(za first part is by ze German)((At ze least i vink it ee)) Zis time Ladies And Gentlemen za story shall be at ze sea ver we shall see ze great tail unfold!!! Right then (the next part is by an English chap: Wato toodle pie, one wants to get back to this spithing story what what) when we left port (this story is said from the captains and crew mebers point of view) all was well, the silk sails from Persia billowed in the wind wich was going at a fair pace. Then with the speed of lightning the hole sean changed, all of a sudden the sails were full to burst and the wave wich a moment befire had been calm and peacefull suddenly reard up and fell upon the boat wich creaked and grouned but held firm.

The next day the storm still raged and around noon the main masrt snapped and soon after the rudder was broken by a wave that was so thick that everyone could not breath for lack of air around them, the wave gave us the loss of our second mate.The next day the storm vanished as soon as it had began and all was back to normal, with the exseption of there being no second mate. But there were other problems to be botherd with, there was the problem of stearing because as noted the storm had taken the rudder. But there was still a tiny tiny hope: if they were very luckey then maybe they whould be driven by the wind to an island were they whould hopefully be able to land. And as usule in most storys they did! It so happend that they had set sale on a very dangerus journey: from Texus to Wales, and on the way they whou haveseen the islands of the Carrabean on the horizon, but the storm had blown them of corse and they were umung the islands stated!

Now a bit more about ze islandz, az ve all know zat ze Carrabean islandz are inhabetet by the bes and most buetuful wildlife, but zer are za most terable PIRATES!!!!!!!!! Now when they landed (the ships companey) they had to do lots of jobs like: finding a new main mast, geting lunch, making a new rudder those are just a few of the jobs they would have to do but to list them would take at least half an hour, the catain new that there were pirates in the area so that night he set a gard. The next morning they all went to see the ship apart from the 3rd mate and they found all sorts of problems like Water supplies lost and things like that. Then around mid afternoon they sited a ship on the horizon but it seemed to have seen them to because it was heading towards them and they were very happy till it but up the skull and cross bones. IT WAS PIRATES!!!!!!!!!!!

The first thing the men did on land was to and get their weapons and shelds. Then the pirates were upon them! There was caos. In the end though only two men were lost so it was a both sad and joyfull sad at the loss of two men but joyfull because they had thrown off the pirates. That was most certanly not the end of their trubbles in the Carrabean. The next problem was seting sail because they were in an area were there were reafs all over the place so that to navagate out f there they whould have to have lookouts at every place possable, but in the end they did manage to get out of there then it was "sails out, man the masts" and things like that. but then disaster struck yet again, this time it was in the form of passing a volcano. What happend was this: they were go ing along realy nicely but all of a sudden there was caos, sometime wilst sailing or any time at sea there can be a volcano poping out of the sea. This can happen at any time what so ever. This just happend to happen that day wilst sailing and they lost 10 men to a wave wich was caused by the volcano doing a nice big earthquake. then all of a sudden the volcano sunck back to were it came from, but the crew were so tired that they cound'nt set sail. Then the next day they did manage to set sail and get to the middle of the ocean were they 'set the sails' and they filled and they started moving at a triffic speed and got to a islad in half an hour but when they saw the islanders coming in their bouts with bow and arrows and spears they disided to move on, the next day they reached Wales were when they told their story they became famus for their voyage.


Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Yyyaaaaaawwwwwwwwwnnnnnnnnn......STOP THAT

Today I am very tired! Because last night we ahd a freind come over to play(sort of)and he didnt go till 9 - half 9, any way then I didnt get to sleept till around 10 - half 10, then this morning I woke at half 6 then went back to sleep and had a dream were i was being chased every were in the year 3000 on a train by a poisond thing with aroun ten billion arms, any way this morning I am tired and thats it............ Im just tired!!!!!

Friday, March 02, 2007

Grandparants and other things

On Monday at around that busy time of, oh what is it..... oh yes, day. That it was so that my Grandparants came to see us from that monstus place they call the capitall!! Then on that day of the week known as Tuesday we did our work together as normal, it was like a normal day just with the exseption of our Grandparants being there. Then on Wednesday My sister My Grandad
and me all went to Blue Planet were we had lots of fun, but thats another post(story...post...same thing...)((I think......)). Then When I went to Badminton later that evening I got an illness(see ILL ill ILL ill IIIIILLLLLLLLLL) . Then on thursday i had a piano lesn wich in my opineon went rather well! then later on, I had a swimming leson wich I did very well in! Now it being Friyday I think I will leave todays events for anther day. SEE YA. And dont forget to comment!